About Cozy Crime Reads

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you’re here.

My name is Anna, and I adore mysteries. My fondness for the genre began at a young age with Nancy Drew, Robin Kane, and Trixie Belden books and has since expanded to include every type of mystery imaginable, but my all-time favorite is cozy crime.

I started this site to support cozy mystery readers, writers, and creators.

On CozyCrimeReads.com, you’ll find curated lists of the best cozy mystery books, audiobooks, cookbooks, games, TV shows, and more. The site will also offer fun extras, including featured mysteries, reviews, recipes, author interviews, and book club questions. 

You may not like every cozy I like (that would be both weird and awesome), but you’ll surely find something to enjoy.

New content is constantly being added, so I hope you return frequently to watch the site grow and to find new mystery stories to entertain you on those dark and stormy nights (and on the sunny, puffy-white-cloud days, too).

Do You Have Questions?

Mystery readers are naturally curious. We can’t help it! I tried to anticipate a few questions and created a FAQ section to answer them. Scroll down to see it!

Contact Cozy Crime Reads

If the FAQ section doesn’t answer your burning questions, you can always reach me via this handy Contact Form.

You should use the Cozy Mystery Recommendation Form if you have written, published, read, watched, or listened to a cozy mystery I should know about (and I do want to know). Just make sure it is cozy (see how I define a cozy mystery).

Connect on Social Media

If you want to connect with me and other cozy mystery readers online, look for Cozy Crime Reads on Instagram:


And on YouTube:


And on Facebook:

Cozy Crime Reads Facebook Page

Net Galley Reviewer

As a book advocate and industry professional, I frequently use NetGalley to request, read, review, and recommend books before publication. I also accept advanced reader copies (ARCs) directly from writers and publishers in exchange for honest reviews. I do not ask for or receive money from authors or publishers in exchange for reading and reviewing books.

Sisters In Crime Member

I am a member of Sisters In Crime, a crime writing association founded in 1986 to promote inclusion and equity for women crime writers. Today, the organization welcomes all crime fiction readers and writers at any stage in their lives/careers. I highly recommend the group, particularly for cozy mystery writers who need community and support. Please note: I am not a representative for Sisters in Crime. I am merely a humble member.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No. I do not work for a cozy mystery publisher. That does sound fun, though, doesn’t it? All opinions and recommendations you see on this site are mine. I do not represent any cozy mystery publishers, authors, editors, podcasters, artists, etc.

  • Yes. I’ve been a full-time professional (for pay) writer for over 20 years and a wildlife photographer for almost two years.

    I write freelance articles about nature, gardening, birding, and travel for online and print publications. I write about cozy mysteries for this website.

    For the last 19 years, I have also worked as an editor and curriculum developer in the K-12 and post-secondary education field.

    I am in the process of writing my first cozy mystery novel. It is unfinished and unpublished.

  • Yes. I write all of the articles except for the mystery writer recipes. Those pieces of content are written by cozy mystery writers who have been invited to submit content.

  • I love cozy mysteries. I want to read them, write about them, share my favorites, and get recommendations from other people.

    We live in a wonderful world where new cozy mysteries are published every day. Unfortunately, this means that some really great books can get lost in the shuffle. That’s why I made this website.

  • The lists I am starting with are short but will become longer over time. I plan to add more books to each existing list. I also plan to add more lists for other cozy mystery themes and subgenres. I have quite a few in the works.

  • Because I don’t want to say bad things about the books on here. I admire people who provide critical book reviews on their websites and places like Goodreads.com. I appreciate what they do and believe they provide a valuable service to the book community.

    No book is perfect. Every book has flaws or something that could be changed to make it more palatable to the reader who happens to be reading it at the given moment. But when I talk about books on this website, I focus on books I like, and I focus on the positive aspects of the books rather than the negative aspects.

  • I choose things that I like and that other people like. Just because I like something doesn’t mean it’s good. But if I like it and a bunch of other people have also given it glowing reviews, then it might be worth recommending. You may also notice that a lot of the books recommended on this website are written by bestselling authors and authors who have won or been nominated for awards in the mystery genre, such as an Agatha Award (named after Agatha Christie), an Edgar (named after Edgar Allen Poe), an Anthony Award (named after Anthony Boucher), etc.

  • I'm afraid it's not a very scientific process. I choose a book that I like and that I think other cozy mystery readers will like. It's probably something I read recently, but it may be something I read a while back.

  • I recommend books from every type of publisher, including large publishers, small presses, digital first publishers, and independent publishers. I care more about the quality of the book than who published the book.

  • The answer varies. Maybe because I haven’t read it yet. Or maybe I am in the process of writing about it and haven’t posted the article yet. Or maybe I think the book is a psychological thriller or a police procedural and not a cozy mystery. In any case, I would really love to hear about your favorite book. Please tell me about it if you have time via the Cozy Mystery Recommendation Form.

  • You can tell me about it by using the Cozy Mystery Recommendation Form.

  • Maybe. If you are an agent, publisher, writer, or public relations professional, please contact me via the Cozy Mystery Recommendation Form. I would love to hear about your book. But please, make sure it is a cozy mystery!

    Please note that I am more likely to recommend a book if meets the following requirements:

    1.) Nice or professionally designed cover.

    2.) Well-written content and an engaging story.

    3.) Four stars and up on Amazon or 3 stars and up on Goodreads.

  • You don’t. Some readers prefer "clean" or "gentle" cozy mysteries without swearing. Other readers don’t care about the occasional swear word. You’ll find recommendations for both types of cozies on this website. I do not classify them as clean or non-clean or give them ratings like G, PG, PG-13, etc. However, I will be creating a list of clean cozy mystery book recommendations. When I do, I will add a link here and in other places on the website to promote it.

  • I read cozy mystery ARCs every month. Most of my ARCs are from Net Galley, a service that connects publishers and readers. Readers get to see books before they are published, and in exchange, publishers get feedback directly from readers. The books also get honest reviews on NetGalley.com and places like Goodreads.com prior to being published.

  • Maybe. I am open to reading cozy mystery hard copy ARCs and eARCs directly from authors and traditional and independent publishers. However, I cannot read every ARC that comes my way. There just isn’t enough time in the day. So please don’t take it personally if I cannot read your ARC before its publication date. It’s not you. It’s not me. It’s Father Time.

  • I don’t like obtrusive ads. They pop up, get in the way, and interfere with the reading experience. I have clumsy fingers and constantly click on them by accident! Even when I don’t click on them, they sometimes intrude. Have you ever had a video ad start playing at top volume when all you’re trying to do is read an internet recipe and cook dinner? I have. It’s not great. If I ever put ads on the site, they will be minimal, unobtrusive, and directly related to cozy mysteries.

    Instead of the traditional ads you see almost everywhere, I have affiliate links. This helps me offset the site's operating costs. The site doesn’t cost an outrageous sum of money to maintain, but it isn’t free either.

    Affiliate links are on many websites you visit. These special web links allow me to earn a small commission if you click on the link and buy a product I promote on this website. The product will not cost you any more than you would have paid otherwise. My commission comes from the company selling the product. For example, if you buy a book I recommend from Amazon, Bookshop.org, or another bookseller, then that bookseller may give me a small percentage from the sale out of their pocket.

  • You should tell me about it via the Contact Form. I don’t want to make mistakes, but like everyone else, I’m human, and it happens.

  • Hey! That’s not a question! Joking aside, I am truly sorry. I feel your pain. We can only squeeze so many books into one lifetime, and wasting time on a book you didn’t enjoy is no fun. I apologize if you didn’t like a book I recommended. I hope you like the next one better.